Against the Rajasthan Royals in Jaipur on Saturday, Virat Kohli scored an unprecedented eighth IPL century. With yet another strong performance against RR, a team that won three straight games in the IPL 2024, Kohli, who already holds the top spot on the list of IPL players with the most centuries, cemented his position even further. In addition, this was a batter’s first three-figure score of the 17th season. With a single off Nandre Burger, Kohli reached his milestone at 67 balls.
This was Kohli’s ninth century overall in Twenty20 cricket. In the 2022 Asia Cup, he scored his lone century in Twenty20 international cricket matches against Afghanistan. Kohli also put an end to his unproductive streak at Sawai Mansingh Stadium with this hit. In addition, it was the former captain of the RCB’s maiden century against the Royals. Kohli also made history by becoming the first player to score 7500 runs in the IPL during this process.